Our molding operation is segmented into separate operations based on casting size for production efficiency.
Floor molders working with overhead bridge cranes with up to 12½-ton lift capacity perform heavy-bay molding. This enables us to handle and roll flasked molds as large as 14 feet x 14 feet in two separate high-bay buildings.
Two separate, semi-automated molding lines allow us to produce flaskless molds from 16 inches, square up to 60 inches, square.
Depending on the flaskless mold line, patterns are drawn automatically by either an inline barrel-type rollover or a larger, 7,500-pound dual-line, rollover and draw machine.
Molding operations are supplied with quality, mechanically-reclaimed sand prepared by a patented proprietary process, mixed and distributed by multiple continuous mixers for Furan no-bake (dry) sand. All mold manufacture is accomplished with Furan resin silica or zircon sand. This system produces an air-cured silica mold of high rigidity and quality.
The heavy-bay mixer has a capacity of 1,500 pounds per minute of Furan sand. This mixer has an RF control and is current foundry "best practice." The smaller work is done on a motorized conveyor Kloster line with pattern flow system. Flaskless molds are positioned under a 1,000-pound-per-minute high-intensity continuous mixer, then filled with silica sand and allowed to air cure.
Most molds are "flow coated" with a zircon refractory coating to give an excellent surface finish. The patterns are removed before the mold is flow coated.
Standard no-bake cores and specialty-sand cores for critical core production are used to complement our mold production. Cores are placed in the mold and the mold halves closed.
Foundry operations encompass more than 50,000 square feet to service a wide range of customer needs.